Our Services
Engineered Truss Systems specializes in the manufacture of high-quality wood trusses, Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) beams and headers, and wood floor trusses. Engineered Truss Systems prides themselves on using only the highest quality materials to provide trusses of uncomprimising function and durability.


Custom Built

First-Class Service
What We Do
Engineered Truss Systems offers high-quality, custom trusses for a variety of project sizes and applications. We will use your detailed blue prints or sketched floor plan to custom-build trusses specifically for your project. Engineered Truss Systems will review all of your measurements to ensure all aspects of your plan are correct, so there will be no surprises later in the building process. Engineered Truss Systems will then design and draw your project on their computers and lay out your floor plan and roof structure. From this information, Engineered Truss Systems will be able to give you a detailed, FREE estimate of your project. We will also send your layouts to the appropriate companies and, if needed, even help design your floor plan if you need the assistance. Engineered Truss Systems sells directly to any builder, lumber yards, and anywhere in between.

Wood Floor Trusses
Our wood floor trusses are custom-made to fit exact specifications, so you won’t have to cut them on the job, resulting in better cost efficiency for you project.

Engineered Truss Systems takes great pride in manufacturing products that contribute to the strength and safety of our customers’ projects.

Wood Roof Trusses
Framing your roof using wood trusses is faster, easier and more cost efficient than other framing methods. Our wood roof trusses are built inside our newly expanded truss plant, ensuring quality throughout the process.

Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) Beams and Headers
Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) is used for residential, commercial and agricultural construction applications as high performance beams and headers.

What We Do
Learn more about how engineered truss systems take care of our clients
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